We offer one vocal choir and one bell choir here at FPC Tiffin. Everyone is welcome to participate in our music ensembles, even if you think you “cannot sing” or “do not have a great singing voice”. We beg to differ and would love to have you sing with us!
Both ensembles are composed of members from the age of 10 years-old through retired faithfuls. The skill levels range from first-timers to retired music directors. There is a place for everyone in these ensembles, and we would love to invite you to come and try it out… even for only a week or two!
FPC Music Ministry also provides a special scholarship opportunity for all students currently enrolled in university courses graduate and undergraduate. If you would like to know more about an opportunity to grow both faithfully and financially, contact the church office.

Traditional Choir
Bell Choir
Under the direction of Darci Porter, the FPC choir sings weekly during our 10:30 service on Sunday mornings, September through May.
The ensemble meets Sunday mornings from 9-10am to rehearse the anthems, as well as grow in faith formation as they discuss the purpose of music in worship, the significance of the different seasons in the worship year and what that means for the music in the worship service, and the ministry they provide for the church through leading congregational song.
This ensemble, also under the direction of Darci Porter, meets weekly on Thursdays evenings from 5:15-6pm, September through May.
During rehearsals, they work as a close-knit team to accomplish music in preparation of performance during worship, usually performing once a month.