About Us
First Presbyterian Church is located in downtown Tiffin at the corner of Market and Monroe Streets. Since there are several churches nearby, look for the church with the green roof across from the Police Station.
Parking is available on Monroe St. behind the church in City Lot 6.
Entering the Church
You can enter the church by coming in the back door off the parking lot (Lot 6) beneath the canopy or by coming through the glass double doors on Monroe Street (these doors are open on Sunday mornings. Follow the sidewalk). You may sign in next to the large wooden sanctuary doors and pick up a bulletin that will guide you through the service. Sometimes ushers or children will be handing out bulletins to welcome you.
The Service of Worship
If you are visiting with us today, please know that we welcome you as we welcome family. We believe that all are children of God, created in God’s image. During the service, you are encouraged to follow the order as indicated in the bulletin. Hymns to be sung are found in the Glory to God Hymnal in the rack in front of your seat and words are on the screens. Usually we stand for the singing of hymns, and at other times in the service as indicated by the worship leader.
There are several times that the congregation responds during the service. After the Assurance of Pardon, the congregation stands and sings “Glory to God”, which is found on page 582 of the Hymnal.
At the Passing of the Peace, the pastor will say, “The Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you” and the congregation will respond AND ALSO WITH YOU. The practice of “passing the peace” involves turning to our neighbors with the same words.
After the reading of scripture, the reader will say: “The Word of the Lord,” to which the congregation responds: “THANKS BE TO GOD.”
All are welcome to join in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper when it is offered (monthly). We frequently use the invitation: Come if you are hungry, come if you are confused, come if your faith is strong, come if you doubt. Come, expecting the gifts of Christ to change you, that you may openly receive God's love and share it with others. This is God’s table. We will not turn you away. During this post-Covid time, we are using pre-assembled communion cups/wafers to limit the spread of disease.
A modern, well-equipped nursery is located in the educational building. A nursery is provided for all Sunday morning activities. Enter by the door with the awning off of Lot 6 and go straight down the hall to the nursery, where you and your child will be welcomed. Note that our bathrooms are all family-style bathrooms and most have a changing table for your convenience. We also welcome children of all ages to stay with their parents during worship services.
Church Membership
We receive members by baptism and affirmation of faith, by transfer of your church letter from another church, or by reaffirmation of faith. Our pastor would welcome a chance to talk to you about church membership. Speak to her on Sunday, or call the church during the week—419-447-2004.
Inclement Weather
Inclement weather may cause a change in worship plans. The most up-to-the-minute way to learn of change in plans is to check this website or to visit our Facebook group page (FPC Tiffin)
Pastor Katie Treadway
Welcome to our website. I hope you’ve seen here a little glimpse of who we are as a community and what we value. I love this church and I feel so lucky to be in ministry here. I love the ability to use my creativity to help others discover God in new ways, even as I grow in my own faith.
I am thankful to be married to a wonderful husband (a spiritual director and interim pastor), and we are parents to three amazing girls (2 adults and one in fourth grade). We also adopted a golden retriever this year and think she is pretty spectacular as well.
I grew up in Florida, attended seminary at Vanderbilt Divinity School, and served as the pastor of the Spring Lake Presbyterian Church of Sebring, FL before coming to serve this wonderful congregation in 2010. In addition to serving as a pastor, I have worked as an administrative assistant for the Boys & Girls Clubs, as a grant writer and assistant in non-profit development for multiple organizations, as a youth director at an inner-city church, and as a piano teacher to a diverse age group.
I am currently finishing my Masters in Clinical Counseling (expected graduation Summer 2024) through Winebrenner Theological Seminary and enjoy meeting people in their theological questions and in their daily life to work toward individual growth into the people God created us to be.
I am a music lover, a pianist, a lover of children’s fiction (especially Harry Potter), a craft maker, and, above all, a believer that we are all beloved Children of God. (Just ask the congregation — they will affirm that I LOVE baptisms so that we can remind each other of that wonderful fact!)
I have been involved in Maumee Valley Presbytery as the Chair of the Branch of Congregational Life and as a member of the Presbytery Council. In 2022, I served as the moderator of the Maumee Valley Presbytery. I have also been involved with the Presbyterian Church (USA) office of Church Growth and Transformation as an assessor for the New Beginnings Process. I am also a moderator for one of our smaller congregations’ sessions. One of my joys is being involved in the connectional church that shares gifts and ideas so that no one church is isolated in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are, together, the Body of Christ to the world. I have enjoyed stepping back from my own congregation at various times during the year to see what God is doing in the larger church, and I am always renewed to be used by God here in Tiffin!
I firmly believe that God meets us in community. As we worship together, we discover God in shared music and stories. As we share joys and concerns together, we discover God’s presence between us. But I also believe that God meets us outside of the walls of our church building. As we give time and energy to our neighbors, as we receive from those who care about us, and as we enter into discussions about life and its meaning, we discover God in new and wonderful ways.
I love to get to know new people and hear their stories and make connections. I’ve been told I’m easy to talk to – whether the person is a regular church-goer or has no desire to ever join a church. You may also simply call the church or e-mail me at secretaryfpctiffin@gmail.com. I’d appreciate getting to know who you are and would enjoy any opportunity to converse about all things spiritual and life giving. I do not promise to have all of the answers, but I do promise to listen as you share your questions.
Rachel Hopple
Rachel has been the organist at our church since June 2014. She graduated from Heidelberg College with a B.Mus.Ed. degree, and now is retired from teaching Spec. Ed. 35 years for Tiffin City Schools. She accompanies many musicals, and is married to Tim and has 5 furbabies—three dogs and two cats. She volunteers for Above & Beyond English Setter Rescue and Cycling Without Age, along with serving as the accompanist at the Ritz Theatre and Hopewell Loudon School.
Darcianne Porter
Church Music Director
Darci has been the Director of Music at FPC since October 2016. She is a 2014 graduate of Heidelberg University with her BA in Vocal Music Education. In May of 2019, she graduated with her MA in Sacred Music from Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University. An Army wife and stay-at-home-mom, Darci is passionate about musical theatre, sewing, gardening, and long naps!
Brittany Cook
Administrative Assistant
Brittany joined the FPC team in October 2021. She is a 2013 graduate of Heidelberg University with a degree in English Writing and minor in literature and history. With passions in music, writing, design, and a strong faith, she is overjoyed to have found a place at First Presbyterian Church!