Dear FPC Tiffin members and friends:
Last Sunday we had such and amazing time celebrating the mission work of the Non-Food Pantry and saying thank you to so many who have helped each step of the way. We are blessed with church members and community members who are following Jesus' call to share with others in such a needed way. Thank you to all who have donated or helped with the service of the church to the community in this way!
This Sunday we have the opportunity to celebrate our mission partners in the community. Every year, our church gives money to support ministries in the community that accomplish God's purpose in ways that we can't. Pat DeMonte will be sharing during the worship service about the Transformation Life Center and its goals to help the community. And then, after worship, many of our mission partners will be set up around tables in the narthex for a mission fair! We hope you will stay and learn about the work they are doing on our behalf while also seeing if there is a way you might be able to "plug in" with these mission partners. In our worship service we will take time to bless these ministries and to thank them for the work they do.
What's coming up this week?
The Discipleship Committee will be meeting at 4:15 on Monday and would love some help cleaning up the nursery before that. If you would like to help clean post-renovation in that room, reach out to Pauline to let her know your availability.
The Maumee Valley Presbytery will be meeting on Tuesday at the First Presbyterian Church of Findlay. At 1 PM, we will be in breakout groups and would love for someone from our church to come out to hear about a new churchwide curriculum called "Follow Me." Ken Krieger and I will be there in different capacities as well. And at 2:45, stay and promise to support your pastor as I am installed into the role of Moderator of the Presbytery for 2022.
The Mission Committee will be meeting at 12:30 on Wednesday to begin to discuss how to disperse our mission funds to future community partners. If you know of a community organization that you would like to see our church partnering with in future mission, let Bill Hite know about the organization. So many are doing wonderful things for those who are in need in our community.
Thursday is the due date for newsletter articles to be sent to Brittany! We are going to attempt to put out a December newsletter now that the church is alive and active again!
And then on Sunday, 11/21, we will celebrate Christ the King as well as Thanksgiving in our worship service with Holy Communion. We are still using pre-packaged communion elements, but we have purchased those that are easier to open.
Many of our members are having tests right now, and we ask that you continue to check on one another and pray for one another through this challenging season. Remember that you are loved by God and that you matter for the continuance of God's Kingdom.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Katie
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