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7th Sunday After Pentecost

Hello Church!

You are catching me at the tail-end of my vacation where our family has gotten to spend time with Kaia! As you know, these opportunities to spend with our grown-up kids are so important to us all! I give thanks for the way everyone is growing up, but how I miss seeing my "babies" on a regular basis!

This Sunday, Amy Remaklus will be leading our 10:30 AM worship at the church. If you remember, Amy was our summer pastoral care intern in 2021, and she was such a wonderful representative of God's presence to our members, especially those who were at home or in a retirement home, and needing extra compassion. You may remember her family in worship with all of their joy and excitement! Amy has taken a call as the campus minister of the University of Toledo and will be coming before the presbytery for examination for ordination this Fall. She is excited to have relocated to Ohio, and is looking forward to seeing your familiar faces. I know you will welcome her with hugs and stories, and I hope you will also welcome her oldest, Shayla, who will be bringing special music for us that day!

Amy will be preaching from Colossians 2:6-15 so I leave you with this poem, that you might reflect on what Life in Christ means to you.

My Baptismal Birthday

by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

God's child in Christ adopted, — Christ my all, —

What that earth boasts were not lost cheaply, rather

Than forfeit that blest name, by which I call

The Holy One, the Almighty God, my Father? —

Father! in Christ we live, and Christ in Thee —

Eternal Thou, and everlasting we.

The heir of heaven, henceforth I fear not death:

In Christ I live! in Christ I draw the breath

Of the true life! — Let then earth, sea, and sky

Make war against me! On my heart I show

Their mighty master's seal. In vain they try

To end my life, that can but end its woe. —

Is that a death-bed where a Christian lies? —

Yes! but not his — 'tis Death itself there dies.

[October-November 1833]

Grace and Peace.

Pastor Katie


Upcoming Events

Sunday, 7/24:

10:30 a.m.: 7th Sunday After Pentecost

Sunday, 7/31:

10:30 a.m.: 8th Sunday After Pentecost


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