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4th Sunday After Pentecost

Hello Church!

Typically this time of year, we think about relaxing, enjoying nature, and not entering into the scheduled lives that we are so used to during the Fall and Winter months. While engaging with the Creator's glory in nature is nurturing you, know that Summer is a time of planning for those of us who work (paid and volunteer) in the church! Creativity is flying all over the place as we anticipate new opportunities for spiritual growth this Fall and new opportunities to connect with our neighbors!

As you read the July Presbyletter and this weekly email, you'll see that we are looking for people who are passionate about many different things. We want people who are passionate about how to plan activities for our families. We want people who are passionate about things like pancake breakfasts and fundraisers and service projects (people in the community are reaching out to us for help!) We want young people who can do creative work and make small videos for our children! We want people who have the gift of music and want to share uniquely in a Sunday worship service. We want people who will open their homes this Fall to provide for family engagement in the spiritual life. We want people who can give a few hours a week to the pantry. God calls us in many varied ways and I believe that with your various passions and interests, you are called! Do any of these opportunities excite you? Email or call me or Brittany and let us know so we can call on you. The Holy Spirit is breathing upon this church and opening us up to meet our neighbors in life-giving ways.

So enjoy your time immersed in creation, but then let that time of renewal lead you to a place where you can say "yes" to serving God through the church in these unique ways!

I can't wait to see what God will call forth through !

Pastor Katie


Upcoming Events

Sunday, 7/3:

10:30 a.m.: 4th Sunday After Pentecost

Monday, 7/4:

Office closed for 4th of July

Tuesday, 7/5:

4 p.m.: Session Meeting

Sunday, 7/10:

10:30 a.m.: 5th Sunday After Pentecost



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